Engineering with Joe D

Recent design-build project for a Fortune 500 chemical manufacturer. We replaced an existing boiler and pump system with high efficiency 6,000 BTU condensing hot water boilers (18,000 BTU total) saving the customer 52,000+ Therms per year amounting to $52,325 saved per year. We redesigned and repiped the system, eliminating 3 pumps and saving an additional 16,000+ KWH. The customer also received a $75,000 utility rebate from the power company. #boilers #hotwaterboilers #boilersystems #sustainablemechanicalengineering
Recent design-build project for a Fortune 500 chemical manufacturer. We replaced an existing boiler and pump system with high efficiency 6,000 BTU condensing hot water boilers (18,000 BTU total) saving the customer 52,000+ Therms per year amounting to $52,325 saved per year.
We redesigned and repiped the system, eliminating 3 pumps and saving an additional 16,000+ KWH. The customer also received a $75,000 utility rebate from the power company.
#boilers #hotwaterboilers #boilersystems #sustainablemechanicalengineering

Recently installed Heat Recovery Skid at Cedar’s Mediterranean Foods captures high grade heat from two (2) 125 HP Air Compressors with heat-of-compression Air Dryers. It is used to preheat boiler feed and process hot water. The system qualified for a significant National Grid rebate. #SustainableMechanicalEngineering #AirCompressorHeatRecovery #ThermalRecovery #CustomHeatRecoverySkid #NationalGridRebate
Recently installed Heat Recovery Skid at Cedar’s Mediterranean Foods captures high grade heat from two (2) 125 HP Air Compressors with heat-of-compression Air Dryers. It is used to preheat boiler feed and process hot water. The system qualified for a significant National Grid rebate.
#SustainableMechanicalEngineering #AirCompressorHeatRecovery #ThermalRecovery #CustomHeatRecoverySkid #NationalGridRebate

Recently-installed heat exchanger skid to convert open process cooling system to a closed loop. This eliminates fouling in Freudenberg’s molding machines, increasing the cooling effect, increasing production output, and reducing maintenance costs. #ConvertOpenCoolingTowertoClosedSystem #EliminateCoolingTowerFouling #CleanUpOpenCoolingTower #ProcessCooling
Recently-installed heat exchanger skid to convert open process cooling system to a closed loop. This eliminates fouling in Freudenberg’s molding machines, increasing the cooling effect, increasing production output, and reducing maintenance costs.
#ConvertOpenCoolingTowertoClosedSystem #EliminateCoolingTowerFouling #CleanUpOpenCoolingTower #ProcessCooling

Our team fabricated this intricate skid that will be used to test the performance of hydraulic pumps at various suction and discharge pressures and temperatures. It will handle both mineral and synthetic oils, and will soon be installed for a top secret U.S. military project. #TemperatureControlSkid #HydraulicTestingSkid #MechanicalEngineering
Our team fabricated this intricate skid that will be used to test the performance of hydraulic pumps at various suction and discharge pressures and temperatures. It will handle both mineral and synthetic oils, and will soon be installed for a top secret U.S. military project.

Recent installation for semiconductor laboratories: 150 ton 38° F chiller replaces three 60 Ton air cooled units used to provide high level dehumidification. #Chillers #LowTempChiller #WaterCooledRotaryScrewChiller #VSDChiller #DuplexPumpSkid
Recent installation for semiconductor laboratories: 150 ton 38° F chiller replaces three 60 Ton air cooled units used to...

Just commissioned! New 100 TON free cooling system for a leading biotechnology company’s process cooling in Cambridge, MA. System is computer controlled to operate whenever the outside temperature permits free cooling, maximizing energy savings. #freecooling #sustainablemechanicalengineering #mechanicalengineering #lowcarbonfootprint
Just commissioned! New 100 TON free cooling system for a leading biotechnology company’s process cooling in Cambridge,...

Tested and ready to ship: two 20hp, 175gpm Duplex Skids used to control temperature and deionized (DI) water, for use in a high tech manufacturing facility. #hightechmanufacturing #deionizedwater #deionizedcoolingskid
Tested and ready to ship: two 20hp, 175gpm Duplex Skids used to control temperature and deionized (DI) water, for use in...

Was a beautiful weekend for rigging out old 10,000 lb boilers, to be replaced by three 6,000 MBTU high-efficiency condensing #boilers at a manufacturing plant. #boilerplantupgrade #condensingboilersystems
Was a beautiful weekend for rigging out old 10,000 lb boilers, to be replaced by three 6,000 MBTU high-efficiency...

Just Completed: Heat Recovery Skid Installation for Cedars Mediterranean Foods
The first Heat Exchanger captures the low grade heat from the MD Air Dryers and the second Heat Exchanger captures the high grade heat from the Air compressor circuit. An additional heat exchanger was added to preheat water for the CIP process. Based on a cost of $1.00/therm, the total cost savings is more than $30,000 per year.

The Many Ways That Life is Easier for IMEC Customers
My writing usually examines mechanical engineering solutions addressing topics of the day. In this piece, we focus on an important subject for current and prospective customers, vendors, and associates: the myriad ways that IMEC makes life easier for customers....