IMEC Mechanical Engineering News

Just Completed: Heat Recovery Skid Installation for Cedars Mediterranean Foods
by IMEC | Sep 21, 2019
The first Heat Exchanger captures the low grade heat from the MD Air Dryers and the second Heat Exchanger captures the high grade heat from the Air compressor circuit. An additional heat exchanger was added to preheat water for the CIP process. Based on a cost of $1.00/therm, the total cost savings is more than $30,000 per year.

National Grid Recognizes IMEC with Project Expeditor Award for Customer Satisfaction
by IMEC | Feb 25, 2019
During National Grid’s Project Expeditor Kickoff Meeting, IMEC was presented with the 2018 Project Expeditor Award for Customer Satisfaction.

McCormick & Company Recognized for Top Energy Project of 2018, Designed and Built by IMEC.
by IMEC | Dec 19, 2018
McCormick & Company, a Fortune 1000 manufacturer of food and flavorings, has been recognized by Energy Star for a Top Energy Project of 2018. The honor was awarded for a “compressed air system with heat recovery” in the company’s Dallas manufacturing plant.

Dow Chemical Hires IMEC to Design and Construct New Chiller Plant
by IMEC | Nov 11, 2018
IMEC has been chosen by Dow Chemical to design and build a chiller plant to augment current capacity in its Marlborough, MA facility. Two new 700 Ton chillers will be integrated to create 1,400 Tons of additional capacity.

Tofu Manufacturer to Reap Incredible 1-Year ROI on Massive Heating Conversion.
by IMEC | Jun 9, 2018
The project will cut an astounding 52% in energy costs, reducing annual therm usage from 680,000 to 330,000, while providing heat for the food company’s pasteurizers, milk tanks, cookers, and CIP.
IMEC Tapped to Assist with MACOM’s Plant Expansion.
by IMEC | Nov 27, 2017
MACOM, a worldwide semiconductor and component manufacturer, has hired IMEC to assist with one aspect of its plant expansion project in Lowell, MA. Total electric and natural gas savings will total $52,000 annually.

National Grid Again Presents IMEC with Two Energy Efficiency Achievement Awards
by IMEC | May 16, 2017
National Grid has again presented IMEC with two awards recognizing its exemplary achievements as a Project Expeditor (PEX) producing exceptional energy-efficiency results and savings.

IMEC to Upgrade Co-Gen System at Saint-Gobain Abrasives
by IMEC | Feb 27, 2017
With IMEC’s assistance, Saint Gobain Abrasives in Worcester, MA is upgrading an on-site Powerhouse facility to pave the way to increase its CoGen capacity to 5 megawatts

Massachusetts Firms Lead a Revolution in Reducing Manufacturers’ Carbon Footprint.
by IMEC | Dec 12, 2016
When executives at Freudenberg-NOK’s 6-acre manufacturing plant in Bristol, NH began planning for a massive energy-efficiency project late in 2014, they couldn’t have dreamed of reducing the facility’s carbon footprint by 50% and saving more than $1.1 million per year on energy costs.

Garlock Printing enlists IMEC to improve plant air quality.
by IMEC | Aug 10, 2016
Garlock Printing, a leading commercial printer in Gardner, Massachusetts, has tapped IMEC for a major renovation of its press room to improve ventilation and air quality for employees while reducing energy costs.
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